Monday, October 19, 2009

MySQL useful add-on collection using UDF

I really like this new toy (for me) called UDF. So I try to provide some more, hopefully useful, functionality.

The newest extension I like is the possibility to write to the MySQL error log through the application. Oracle can do that since long. Now we can do this as well...

A list of what I have done up to now you can find here:

If you have some more suggestions, please let me know.

The complete details you can find here.


rpbouman said...

Hi there,

I did this too once (

I'm just wondering, does your implementation work in case you're running under windows as a service (bug #35916) ?

Shinguz said...

Hi Roland,

Ups! It seems like I did not look into it well enough... :( Thanks for your hint!

Just found the UDF repository on your site. Great stuff...

Windows? What is this? No honestly: I did not try this out. There is no such system close to me nor have I a Win compiler or such stuff... Sorry!